women build 2024
sponsor sign up
Sponsorship Levels
Gold Level - $1,500
Prominent company name and logo listed on event t-shirt
Opportunity to include company branded items and ads in gift bags
Two mentions (company name and logo) in Chatham Habitat e-newsletter (2,500+ subscribers)
Inclusion in all event news releases
Logo featured on Chatham Habitat Women Build webpage
Certificate of recognition
Silver Level - $750
Company name and logo listed on event t-shirt
Opportunity to include company branded items and ads in gift bags
One mention (company name and logo) in Chatham Habitat e-newsletter (2,500+ subscribers)
Name featured on Chatham Habitat Women Build webpage
Certificate of recognition
Bronze Level - $250
Company name featured on event t-shirt
One mention (company name) in Chatham Habitat e-newsletter
Certificate of recognition
Please fill out the form below to become a sponsor! You can also send a check to PO Box 883, Pittsboro, NC 27312 with "Women Build Sponsorship" in the memo line.