Help Save NC Solar!
Duke Energy has filed a petition with the North Carolina Utilities Commission to change the rules on net metering, making rooftop solar less accessible - especially for low to middle income homeowners like the ones we work with. We've been putting solar PV systems on Chatham Habitat houses for over five years, and this policy would have a huge impact on our homeowners, and could put our ability to continue our solar program at risk.
Please join us in letting the North Carolina Utilities Commission how you feel!
It’s easy, and your message can be short.
To register your comment:
with the subject line Docket E-100, Sub 180CS: Comment from Habitat for Humanity
Here are some points to hit in your email:
Identify yourself as a volunteer with Chatham Habitat for Humanity
State your opinion that the NC Utilities Commission should not pass this policy proposed by Duke Energy
Chatham Habitat for Humanity puts rooftop solar on houses sold to low and middle income families in Chatham County. Under current net metering rules, families with solar on their homes are paying between $30-$50 for electricity per month. The proposed changes would severely increase that monthly amount and would make our families less financially resilient
Low and middle income households are already largely unable to take advantage of solar systems due to the high upfront costs, and this change would further widen that gap
Low and middle income households are often the most impacted by the short and long term impacts of climate change, and the use of renewable energy like solar has tremendous benefit to the families we work with
The solar program at CHFH may no longer be viable under the policy proposed by Duke Energy